SRL is celebrating 20 years of service in Latin America. We have been called by God to train pastors to spread the fire of Reformation to their home countries.
June is a very busy and exciting month for SRL. Much is happening, and we want you to know about it so you can uphold this ministry in prayer.
God is doing a wonderful work in Latin America, and the 21st Century Reformation is well underway.
Your prayers will energize the work that is being done by our faithful professors. We are making the same simple plea to you that was made by the Apostle Paul,
“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified…” (2 Thess. 3:1 ).
Dr. Steve Lawson In Medellin, he will be teaching Doctrines of Grace in the entire book of John while he will demonstrate expository preaching. Six hundred seventy eight registered from 15 different countries. In Bogotá he will teach “The New Birth” to about 200. Dr. Lawson will be teaching more than 40 hours. His course will be streamed online.
Dr. Don Kistler He will be teaching the Doctrine of Salvation in Bogotá and Fusagasugá, Colombia.
Dr. Noe Acosta While in Bolivia, he will be teaching the book of Romans. He will also attend SRL graduations in Cochabamba.
Michael Delarm He will be teaching History of the Medieval Church at the SRL Orlando, Florida campus.
Dr. Jim Carmichael While in Guadalajara, Mexico, he will be teaching the Doctrine of God.
Pastor Robert Ventura He will be teaching Functional Greek and Hermeneutics in Medellin during the 4th week in June.
Javier Martinez He will be teaching Spanish Grammar and Writing to the students in Bucaramanga, Colombia.
BJ Milgate He will be teaching Christ Centered Preaching in Houston, Texas.
Also, pray for our ministry in Cuba It is becoming more difficult to obtain visas for our professors. In June, Dr. Gary Carter and Dr. Louis Ferreira are scheduled to teach there, but their visas are still “in process.” Pray that God will keep this door open by facilitating the visas we need to send professors.
Finally, pray for our Students
Finally, pray for the hundreds of students in those countries. These men are dedicated to the cause of Christ and committed to learning the Word of God so they can preach it with authority and power. These are the men who will ultimately bring the much needed Reformation to Latin America.