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2022 September Newsletter

Dear friends, we are excited to announce that the 23rd SRL Annual Banquet is less than a month away! Please join us for this celebration of God’s blessings in Latin America on September 22nd, 7:00 P.M., at the Marriott Hotel, located at: 1501 International Parkway, Lake Mary, FL 32746. Doors will open at 6:30 P.M. The keynote speaker is Dr. Thomas Ascol, President of Founders Ministries and Emeritus member of the SRL Board of Trustees.

Pastor Isaias Martinez, the architect of SRL in Central America, will also give a brief report. To register, please contact Rebecca Cook at 386-275-3560 or, or Mimi at 386-589-6350 or You may also RSVP online at

This is the only yearly fundraising event for SRL, and we are imploring God to bring enough resources to pay off a $120,000.00 mortgage balance for the campus building in Medellin. At this moment, a contributor has offered a $20,000.00 matching donation. The cost of this mortgage is preventing the opportunity for SRL to accept additional residential students, and the needs in all the SRL sites, from Mexico to Argentina, which continue to increase.

SRL gladly receives suggestions and a few of them asked for a “listing” of what the ministry needs most. These are:

An industrial stove to replace the broken one working at 50% capacity, two refrigerators and a freezer, three commercial washing machines, two clothes dryers, a roof to cover an open patio to extend the dining room, and more private study stations. The total cost for these items is projected at $40,000.00.

SRL has similar needs in the new live-on campus dormitories in Cochabamba. This campus will serve all of Bolivia and its neighboring countries: Paraguay, Brazil, and Chile, as well as Ecuador. We are so grateful to the many Christian Bolivian farmers who donate food to the seminarians or lower their prices to serve God’s mission.

“For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.” How shall they call on Him in whom they did not believe? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?” Rom. 10:13-15 (NKJV)

In his book, Romans: An Expositional Commentary, Dr. R.C. Sproul commented: We see in the Old Testament that God anointed prophets and sent them to people. Just so, missionaries cannot go unless somebody supports and sends them. Not everyone in the Church is called to be a missionary, but every member of the church is responsible to make sure that the missionary activity gets done. We all have a part to play in that endeavor. (Romans, p. 321.)

We are praying that God will provide for SRL through your gracious giving. It is expected for SRL to have sufficient funds to meet the needs a year in advance, thereby complying with the financial accreditation requirements.

Regardless of finances, the wonderful news is that we have seen the tangible fruit of this mission—the birth of hundreds of Reformed Churches throughout Latin America. Most of these churches are planted by pastors and missionaries who received training at SRL. Please celebrate with us. God has truly multiplied your investments in His Kingdom. Here is an update from the field from Jeffrey Alvarez, an SRL student and missionary church planter in Barbosa, Colombia:

Always in Christ Jesus, Our Savior,

Dr. Noé S. Acosta, SRL Chancellor


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