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2020 November Newsletter

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Isaiah 9:2a (NKJV)

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. (Rom. 1:16 NKJV)


We are almost at the end of the 2020 academic year. By God’s grace, the seminarians in Medellin will complete all courses by the end of November. Graduation ceremonies will take place the first week of December. It is very exciting to know that many students, who arrived at the seminary without knowledge of the Doctrines of Grace, will return to their countries convinced of the Gospel and are on fire to start Reformed ministries in their towns, cities and regions.

We are happy to report that even with such devastated finances left by the pandemic, over 400 new students registered in the online programs and 300 already paid the modest registration fee for the year 2021. God, in His mercy, also continues to send students to each SRL site. The Reformation flames are furiously and steadily burning throughout Latin America.

During the year 2020, SRL not only continued with the scheduled courses, but intensified the Reformation message by holding two theological lectures per month taught by well-known theologians and Biblical scholars. The lectures reached an audience of over 100,000. The topics were unashamedly intense: TULIP, the Five SOLAS of the Reformation, the Role of Women in the Church, the Doctrine of Tongues, Prosperity Gospel, Regeneration (as opposed to the repetition of salvation prayers), the Work of the Holy Spirit, and the Sovereignty of God. This truly was a 503rd Reformation celebration!

These lectures generated many questions and were so successful that it was necessary for SRL to hire more assistant professors and pastors to help respond. In general, all of the conferences were well received without much antagonism. This link features Dr. Sinclair Ferguson teaching on The Ministry of The Holy Spirit:

THREE PARTICULAR NEEDS: 1) We are praying for a donation of $100,000.00 for SRL’s Capital Fund to lower the seminary’s building mortgage in Medellin. 2) We need $10,000.00 for building repairs before the new group of students arrives at the campus in 2021. 3) For the first time in the seminary’s history, married pastors will come to study for a year in Medellin. We need $8,000.00 dollars to rent a large facility for a year to house four couples.

Please pray that God will move hearts to provide for these SRL needs.

Sincerely in Christ,

Dr. Noé S. Acosta, SRL Chancellor


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