On Saturday, August 1, SRL invited Mr. Chris Larson, President of Ligonier Ministries, to officially unveil the Reformation Study Bible in Spanish. Dr. Sinclair Ferguson also addressed Latin America for the first time from Scotland. Dr. Ferguson taught on the ministry of the Holy Spirit. After Dr. Ferguson’s teaching, Pastor Sugel Michelen presented a lecture on the same theme. Mr. Matthew McGhee, general editor of the Spanish RBS, detailed information regarding the faithfulness of the RSB. Over ten years ago Dr. Acosta invited Dr. Burk Parsons to teach in Bogotá. At a meeting with pastors Dr. Parsons discovered that they had but one commentary Bible which they shared among themselves. He was deeply concerned regarding the need for a trustworthy study Bible in Spanish. He brought that concern to Dr. Sproul, and plans began to develop this dynamic resource in Spanish. This Bible greatly helps SRL to fulfill its reformation goal. If you were unable to attend the conference live, the video recording is available on YouTube at this link:
The Entire Bible Confirms the Doctrines of Grace
The panoramic view of the entire Bible was presented to Latin America in 24 hours. The main points and doctrines of each book and its relationship to other New Testament and Old Testament books were emphasized. SRL’s mission is to bring the Reformation to Latin America. During this study, the doctrines of grace, particularly the doctrines of the sovereignty of God, predestination and election, were highlighted in every book of the Bible. Thousands from all the countries in Latin America faithfully participated for 12 days. The most urgent question was “How do I know if I am elected?” The answer Dr. Acosta gave: If you believe and trust in Christ alone for your salvation, and you are producing fruit in a life of repentance, then you have been chosen by God. You are elected! Congratulations!
21st SRL Annual Banquet – September 24, 2020 AT 7:00PM
This event will take place both physically and virtually. Physically it will be held at the Marriott Hotel in Lake Mary, FL, and at individual homes or church gatherings. Everyone will be able to participate virtually as the activities will be streamed from the Marriott Hotel. Opportunities for interaction will be available through the virtual programs. There is no fee for attending home or church gatherings, however, this is a fundraising event and we would appreciate donations. (This correction is made from the previous card that was recently sent that states a fee of $20 for attendance.) If you are interested in helping or attending, please contact me at 386-275-3560 and
With deepest appreciation for your continued support for this ministry,
Rebecca Cook
SRL Administrative Assistant
Cc: Dr. Noé Acosta and Board of Trustees