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2020 April Newsletter


Last month I wrote that SRL was in urgent need of $30,000.00. It was called to my attention that I did not mention specific needs for such a request. This year God sent us the largest number of students to study in Medellín, compelling us to make building renovations in the kitchen, bathrooms and dormitories. In addition, it became necessary to purchase a larger refrigerator, commercial laundry machines, a larger projection screen, media equipment and optic rewiring to enhance internet services. These unexpected expenses made a dent into the normal budget. We are trusting God to send us necessary funds to provide food for the seminarians and to compensate personnel on the mission field.


Over 50 men, of which include some staff and the seminarians from 11 countries, who live in the SRL Medellín building are in quarantine. They are in good health and are wisely using this time to advance their theological education. Qualified national professors, including SRL graduates, will be teaching through the summer. Only essential individuals may enter the building after strict vetting as recommended by the government. If the crisis continues, we are planning to have the professors from North America and Europe teach virtual courses which permit direct interaction with students. Assistant professors who are in the building will continue to coordinate and direct table talk discussions, give quizzes and exams, receive and evaluate term papers and reports, tutor and fully supervise the academic progress of each student.

For the seminarians in all other branches, site coordinators will make sure that students comply with all requirements after they take scheduled courses online, or virtual courses taught by professors who will use internet applications to hold interactive classes. SRL also has available over 36 courses in the SRL Online Library, ready to be used if any difficulties arise with virtual classes.

Lord willing, after this crisis, we expect to continue with a mix of virtual, online and on-site courses where teacher and students are physically present. In order to grant degrees, a percentage of courses must be taught by teachers who are physically present and interacting with students. It is important that professors be present to provide mentoring, counseling and spiritual shepherding, besides the academics.

All conferences in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Bolivia and Medellín were cancelled or postponed to 2021. The Reformed Convention in Medellín will take place online as soon as arrangements can be made.

Kindly help SRL on a monthly basis. Secure recurrent direct transfers or deposits can be made from your bank into the SRL Wells Fargo Account. Please contact us for the account and routing number. To donate online, visit SRL Web: We thank God for allowing you to use your talents in His kingdom.

Sincerely in Christ, Dr. Noé S. Acosta, SRL Chancellor – President

Do not be anxious about anything …Phil. 4:6a (NKJV)


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