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2019 August Newsletter

Ten Professors Cover Various Countries From Mexico to Bolivia in July and August

1. Dr. Louis Ferreira, Pneumatology; 2. Dr.Mike Borstad, Theology Proper; 3. Dr. James Bearss, New Testament Introduction; 4. Dr. Don Kistler will teach in three cities, Soteriology; 5. Dr. Jim Carmichael, Old Testament Introduction; 6. Pastor Jack Jenkins, Doctrines of Grace;7. Pastor Alejandro Castiblanco, Ecclesiology; 8. Dr. Fritz Harms, Reformation Theology: 9. Pastor Justin Keller, Old Testament Survey; 10. Pastor Gary Carter (just received his Cuban visa), Christology. SDG! This is a demonstration of how God is using SRL to train hundreds of servants and ministers of the gospel. Please pray and help SRL especially in these dry summer months.

God is Blessing Your Faithfulness by Multiplying Reformed Churches

Pastor Julio Benitez wrote: “Pastors of La Gracia de Dios Church in Medellin are grateful to God for the enormous “soul crops” that He is al-lowing us to gather in Medellin and its surroundings. We planted 3 new local churches to the North, South and East of the city. Even though we have sent over 70 members from the main local church to the new congregations, God has brought more people to the main church to fill it to capacity. We have seen the sovereign hand of God gathering His own in these local churches. Please rejoice to see how God is using you as you contribute to SRL.”

Main Church Full Again

New Church Carmen de Viboral

Pastor Javier Gil wrote: “We thank God for the generous support SRL gave to Betania Reformed Church of Cali as we needed to move to a new site because it pleased God to outgrow our previous one. Thanks to the contributors for their constant faithfulness in the promotion and advancement of the Kingdom of God in Latin America. Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus in your lives.” God has used PastorGil, Pastor Ortiz and their presbytery to plant a good number of reformed churches in the area of Cali.

Betania Reformed Church in Cali New Site

It Pleased God to Use Us at the Most Difficult Times

During my last trip to Bolivia, I learned that there were divisions and tensions amongst reformed pastors for secondary things and so called, “Reformed Isms” which has nothing to do with the gospel. God gave me the grace to abandon my illness bed and invite the pastors to breakfast at my hotel restaurant. I pleaded with them to focus on the centrality of the gospel, quoting, Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us; we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. (2 Corinthians 5: 20) Afflicted by my illness and sadness, I broke into tears. At that moment God provided reconciliation and many tears of forgiveness. It was obvious that God sent me to Bolivia, not only to teach, but to use me at my weakest moment for the sake of His church.

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