This #GivingTuesday, November 28, 2023, we invite you to provide vital biblical training to soundly equip pastors.
Pastor Jeremias Gonzales exemplifies the mission of SRL to equip believers to become pastors and church leaders proclaiming the doctrines of grace throughout Latin America to bring the true redemptive power of Jesus Christ to many believers influenced by the false doctrines pervading the continent.
Pastor Jeremias arrived to study at the seminary in Medellin from his nat-
ive country of Bolivia. He sensed the calling to become a pastor and his studies at SRL proved essential to prepare him for his calling. Upon graduating from SRL, Pastor Jeremias interned at three Reformed congregations in Colombia, helping each mature in the doctrines of grace. SRL was asked by the “Iglesia Gosen,” a formerly Armenian church in Guadalajara, to help them transition to become a Reformed congregation. The transition became an incredibly challenging church split, resulting in the Reforming members being without a church building to meet in.
SRL, guided by the Lord's direction, asked Pastor Jeremias to pray about moving to Guadalajara to help the church transition to become whole again. In March of 2020, Pastor Jeremias arrived in Guadalajara with his new Colombian wife, Laura, and her mother. The newly renamed church, La Gracia de Dios de Guadalajara, consisted of only 12 remaining members, a small rented space to meet, and many scars from the division to become Reformed. It was a tremendous step of faith by this young pastor.
Through God’s faithfulness, the once fractured church quickly outgrew its small space with over 100 in attendance each Sunday as well as three passionate deacons to care for the body. The church is seeking another location for their growing congregation. La Gracia de Dios now is planting a Reformed church in Aguascalientes, a town three hours away, where Pastor Jeremias travels to one Sunday a month to assist with preaching and planning its growth. La Gracia de Dios also serves as an active SRL Site where believers from throughout the area are trained and equipped in the Doctrines of Grace.
What a testament to God's grace and sovereignty! SRL is equipping more future Pastor Jeremais' and they need your support to continue in their studies to impact Latin America for Christ!